Friday, September 07, 2007

Quick ‘n easy grub for the weekend

My grab- and- go food stores were getting low. Whipping together a few of my weekend staples, I thought blogging it would allow me to share these ideas and help me keep track of my typical quantities for solo meals. I have been packing these in sandwich- size zip bags and identifying the contents with stick- on labels. Preparation became much more convenient this year, when I bought a set of plastic measuring scoops… just dip the quantity, rake it level, dump into bag, and you’re ready for the next. Having the servings ready to pack makes trip preparation easy, and it becomes quick and convenient to make my escape. I don’t have this skill honed quite as sharp as I was with it 20 years ago, but I am making headway. Here’s what I bagged this time:

2/3 C Potato flakes- I’ve been using Idahoan brand, the cardboard can is a convenient package to work from. My favorite use is super- quick and convenient. I drop the bag into my 2- cup soup mug (described previously), open the bag and roll it down around the rim of the cup. Add an envelope of chicken- noodle Cup- A- Soup, add 1 C boiling water, and stir. Margarine, or olive oil, spices, hot sauce are all good additions. The potatoes are good plain, too; flakes can also be added into pancake mix or used to thicken soups and stews.

½ C Biscuit mix plus 1 Tbsp milk powder- Biscuits always give me trouble, but I like them so much that I keep on trying to find convenient ways of preparation. I had better luck last trip, so I packed up some more.

1 C Raisin Bran plus 3 Tbsp whole milk powder- In camp, and when burning lots of calories, I often want supper early. If I can finish eating and clean up while there is still daylight, that is even better. However, that can leave me hungry before sack- time. A bowl of cereal easily resolves this. Again, I drop the bag into my soup mug, roll down the edges over the cup rim, add water and stir (cool water is better). If I have been careful with that thin plastic bag, I don’t even have to wash the cup, and it’s ready for my morning coffee.

Coffee bags, 3- 4 per day- I’ve been taking the Folgers coffee bags camping for a long time. They are very convenient, better than instant, and easy to pack. I usually use 2 bags and make 12 ounces for my morning cup. I may want another 6- oz cup if I am cooking breakfast, and another at noon or late afternoon when it’s cold. My hot- weather midday caffeine fix has been coming from instant tea, recently.