Monday, August 27, 2007

Other griddle- cakes for the pack

Here are proportions for some combinations I like. These would probably cook well in an oven, but outdoor baking has always seemed too troublesome or equipment- intensive for me. Campfire baking works well, but I rarely build a fire unless I’m entertaining company. I usually reserve campfires as a leisure activity; it needs nice weather and lots of time with nothing else on the agenda. Baking is best for group camping, too. The following recipes are for solo packers. Note that most of these recipes contain substantial ingredient additions. They all specify 1/4 C of just- add- water pancake mix. In a previous post, only flavoring ingredients were added to 1/2 C portions of mix.

1/4 C just- add- water pancake mix
1 Packet instant oatmeal
1/3 C water
Blend your favorite instant oatmeal flavor into the dry mix, add water, and squish to mix. I prefer a single loaf of pan bread, rather than flapjacks with this recipe; and it needs to cook slowly.

1Tbsp chopped dried apple
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
4 Tbsp water
1/4 C just- add- water pancake mix

Note that the fruit, sugar, and spice must be packed separate from the pancake mix. Mix first 4 ingredients, let stand 5 minutes. Stir in the pancake mix, adjust water as needed, and cook on oiled skillet.

1/4 C mix
1/4 C cornmeal
1/8 tsp salt
1/3 C water
These pancakes are great with syrup. However, I usually use this recipe as corn dodgers with chili, soups, or vegetable dishes.

1/4 C just- add- water pancake mix
1/4 C water
Make a large thin pancake to wrap fruit, veggies, eggs, cheese, and meats.

Jazzed- up pancakes for the pack

It’s in my nature to tinker with camp- food ideas; some of you may recall I was a food scientist in a previous life. My suggestions here are barely a beginning, too. Additions to pancake mix may include fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, raisins, etc. All sorts of flavorings, spices, and even peanut butter can be added. Leftovers will keep for the next meal or snack. For all of these, start with 1/2 C just- add- water pancake mix, and pack all dry ingredients in a zip bag. In camp, add about 1/3 C water to the bag, more or less as needed. Squish to mix, pour out pancake- sized portions on hot pan (smaller ones are easier to flip). Griddle slowly, because the extra sugar makes ‘em brown quickly.

Gingerbread- add to 1/2 C just- add- water pancake mix:
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp ginger
1 Tbsp brown sugar

Cinnamon flavor- add to 1/2 C just- add- water pancake mix:
Ground cinnamon, to taste
Sugar, to taste

Chocolate- add to 1/2 C just- add- water pancake mix:
Cocoa powder, to taste
Sugar, to taste

Backpacker’s pancakes

Camp food must be palatable and fill the void. It need not be a feast or a gastronomic work of art. Quick and easy are usually best, and outdoor appetites tend to negate many shortcomings. Pancakes have been one of my favorites: simple to pack prepare and eat, and adequately nutritious. I thought it might be fun to blog some of the pancake ideas I wrote up and shared once- upon- a- time. The just- add- water mixes are widely available. Pancake mix in a bag takes little room in your pack; protect it from puncture, and it will keep a long time without refrigeration. Versatility, too, is as important a consideration for camp foods as it is for camp equipment. Multiple functions yield savings in pack weight and bulk. Drown a stack of pancakes with syrup or honey; use individual pancakes like bread, for wraps, for sandwiches, and to make jelly rolls. There are endless ways to vary the mix, too. I’ll post some of those soon. Meanwhile, here is my basic proportion for a single serving:

1/2 C just- add- water pancake mix
1/3 C water (mixes may differ; I usually eyeball it)
Pre- measure your batch size into a zip bag, add water, squish to mix, pour your preferred sizes into greased skillet. Flip when nearly set and brown the other side.

Tickfaw SP: getting there

I-12 East to Holden exit # 29

Right on 441, South 2.2 mi

Left on 42, East 1 mi

Right on CC Hutchinson Rd, by store, South 3 mi

Right on 1037, West, (it makes a right turn), 3 mi

Left on Patterson Rd., across from Woodland BC, 1.2 mi